Trace Email Header - How Does It Work?

Want to trace an email header to find the origin of the email? Our Trace Email Header option will serve you well.

Tracing An Email Header

Email header trace is pretty simple. You supply the email header of interest and you get details related to the email's origin [where it was sent from].

What You Need To Do

You must make sure you copy the email header correctly. To know how to get an email header from top Email Clients, CLICK HERE!
After retrieving the email header of interest, simply copy it into the box provided in our "Trace Email Header" tool and we will provide you with details of the origin of the email.

Results To Expect

Usually an email header trace, using our Trace Email Header tool provides the following results:

Best Way To Trace An Email Address

As great as an email header trace is, you only get an idea of its origin, but you don't get the exact details of the email sender. If the email sender is masking his or her IP address with a proxy or software then you won't get accurate information about his location.
The best way to trace an email address to get accurate details including the owner's name, address, phone number and much more is to use a reliable reverse email address lookup service.

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